May 21, 2013

Lego-style apartment transforms into infinite ... spaces

So muuuch likeeee for the concept..

First the concept and music, then from choreography, fashion, make-up, interior, lighting, graphic & visual design are supporting each other that create something stunning masterpiece..Yeah, the power of  ART *woahh
want to be part of them..*hahaha

Interior Design First Project

This is the first project in college : Apartment One Bedroom (Studio Room)
The concept is about exploring the characteristics of college girl client who full of charm and independent in her simple lifestyle. "Elegant and Femininity" is the suitable words that can describe her. In addition, The design concept and planning must synchronized as well as to bolster up her activities. So, here it is my 2nd semester project that still lack of taste and knowledge ... *hahaha

May 11, 2013

One Day Traveling in Bandung

These pictures took by my friend at survey trip. It's a precious moment *.*
Ladies and gentlemen, firstly these are elegant breakfast in Padma Hotel.. *food first!!

 Let's move to interior..Such a great relaxing place!!!

And this is the next stop, full of green..forgot the name -_-

Front of Brussels's a good place to hang-out

Back to the past period with old vintage style..forgot again the name of the restaurant -_-

Padma again in rainy day!! 


I forgot to introduce myself first..

I am 6th semester student majoring interior design in Binus University and soon will be enter my internship period in this year. I'm so nervous!!!

I started to be a blogger because so many thoughts and opinion that I want to share like a diary in visual version. I want to grow up maturity along with developing general knowledge, family, good friends, problems, suggestions, criticisms, etc. And I think the suitable one is blogging *hmm. 

I came from hard and difficult life from my family, friends, my childhood, disasters, my up & down period that make me more stronger than the past. And these are my personalities I can describe.

My personalities from the negatives : hesitant (because I'm a careful person), easily persuaded, a little bit moody, sleepy head, I'm shy at first but I'm actually very easy-going and friendly *hihi.
Positives : I'm a person who like to learn, sharing with people, and a hardworker. I think I'm a loving, sociable, flexible and careful person. Oh, I'm also anti-arrogant and selfish people!!!

That's all guys..not really important, but I just want to share :)

Hanging Chairs – Swing & Relax Yourself!

This one I want the most in my room such a good place to relax and search the inspiration..

Try to Keep Learning!

My left hand drawing and color's average skill maybe (・_・)

My drawing hobby started from when I was in kindergarten and survived until now *haha. I really like to see the detail of painting especially landscape, interior and architecture paintings.So, here I am in Interior Design world and hopefully someday I can join the architecture's world *hoho

This post intends for demonstrating my skill as one of requirement in my internship and the future *pray. Wish me luck (*^-^*)

Editing is Fun!!

Here are some of my board collection for college projects. 

Well, I'm a beginner to this editor world *hehe. As I started this for college projects, I realize that I can develop my sense of art through this which is suck and became my hobby. I can express the feeling through art coupled with the knowledge I gained from my major "Hospitality & Interior Design". I'm still lack of the research about the fashion concept and computer designing skill. But, I hope you can enjoy a whole of my creation :)